Na cogaidhean neo-eisimeileachd / The Wars of Independence – Gaelic Storytelling

Argyll and Bute’s Creative Arts Schools Team commissioned me to write and tour a storytelling project about the wars of indepence in Gaelic to all of the Gaelic Medium Units in Argyllshire.

Inspired by the traditions of Iranian street storytelling that I’d first seen when I was much younger on Michael Wood’s In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great, I took to the road armed with my coat of many stories, and a series of drawings that my wife created for me.

Together with the students in the classrooms and gymhalls across the county, we brought the middle ages to life. We staged battles, banquets and feasts, and had a great time.

I’d be keen to take this on the road again, possibly in Gaelic, possibly in English, perhaps even in French – or a mix of all three…