The Wonderful World of Lapin
In 2015 Tania Czajka, a French friend, invited me to join a project she was pulling together to develop a full production of her French language learning work with her company Le Petit Monde.
With the help of a development grant and then full funding from Creative Scotland we worked together over the course of the following year to develop her ideas in to a show called The Wonderful World of Lapin.
I’m delighted with The Wonderful World of Lapin. It’s a joyous piece of work that Tania relishes sharing with audiences. Working once more with Nik, Niroshni & Ailie from the Cloudman team on sound, music and puppetry was a pleasure, and it was great to finally work with Iain Halkitt as a designer on a show that I’d directed – that was a bit of an ambition come true. Likewise working with George Tarbuck on lighting, who I’ve known since I was a teenager, was an honour. The show is an ongoing tour, having recently sold out in the Cockpit Theatre in London. If you’re interested in the show, do talk to Tania through her website, she’d love to hear from you.